GCSPF participation at the 56th Session of the Commission for Social Development

Members of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors will participate in the fifty-sixth session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD56).

The CSocD56 will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 29 January to 7 February 2018. The Commission is the advisory body responsible for the social development pillar of global development.

The Priority Theme for the 2018 Policy Cycle is Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all.

GCSPF: Informal meeting
Members of the GCSPF will hold an informal meeting next Wednesday 31st after the morning briefing at 9.45 a.m. approx at the Vienna Cafe.

Universal Social Protection - Towards a Partnership for All

Universal social protection is crucial to ending poverty and tackling inequalities to leave no one behind. It aims to provide income security and protect people against the risks they face in the different stages of their lives through social assistance, social insurance and labour market interventions.

Join us in an open forum to discuss the needs and opportunities in realizing universal social protection systems: How can “USP2030” address these needs and generate global momentum for countries to achieve SDG 1.3 (“implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage for the poor and the vulnerable”)?

Wednesday 31 January 2018, 1.15-2.45pm - Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations - Read more

Social Protection Floors as key tools for eradicating poverty

Social protection is a right. A coherent, rights-based approach to social policy will ensure people’s access to basic services and social guarantees. A lack of basic social protection is one of the main reasons why people have been left behind and live in extreme poverty. Today, less than 30 percent of the global population has access to comprehensive coverage, leaving1.6 billion people living in extreme (multidimensional) poverty, unprotected from various set-backs and shocks throughout their lives.
Conference Room D, UNHQ (NYC) - February 2, 2018, 4:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Read more

Strengthening the institutional structures for sustainable development: role of social protection

The side- event aims at discussing some conceptual issues as well as practical solutions pertinent to the work of the 56th session of the Commission for Social Development.

Should social protection be considered a new international social norm? What approaches are the best in making social and environmental policies mutually supportive? What role can social protection play in changing mindsets, principles and rules to put sustainable development at the core? Building sustainable capacities for social protection at the national and regional levels: lessons learned and obstacles encountered.

Friday 2 February 2018, 1.15-2.30, Conference Room D, UN Headquarters. Read more

Rights Based Social Protection; From Rhetoric to Action

The side- event aims to highlight the benefits of a rights-based approach in social protection as a sure way to eradicate poverty and achieve the Sustainable Development Goal’s (SDG’s). Therefore, speakers from The Gambia, Nigeria, Zambia and Peru will inform the audience about Rights-Based Social Protection, the Policy and Legal Framework Developments and Implementation, how to achieve the SDGs through Rights-Based Social Protection and how to monitor Rights-Based Social Protection.

Monday 5 February 2018, 11.45 - 1 pm, Conference Room D, UN Headquarters. Read more

Poverty Eradication: from policy to local action

Despite the numerous poverty eradication policies and strategies, about half of the population of the world still lives in poverty. They live in homes with inadequate water, poor sanitation facilities and no electricity. They lack access to good schools, health care, modern transport facilities, and employment opportunities. Many are malnourished as they cannot afford adequate nutrition. We are taking action to fight poverty. But are we taking the right action?

The side event will present an opportunity for stakeholders to exchange views on these and other relevant issues related to the contributions of targeted financing and public expenditure to poverty eradication.

In the context of sharing experiences and best global best practices, success stories and lessons learned from Asia, Africa and Latin America in the war on poverty will be brought into focus at the event.

Tuesday 6th February 2018 - Conference Room 7 - Time: 1:15 - 2:30 pm. Read more 

Civil Society Call for a Global Fund for Social Protection

Civil society organizations and trade unions unite to call for a Global Fund for Social Protection to protect the most vulnerable.

Social Security for All

Civil society organizations and trade unions call governments and international financial institutions to make a commitment to create social security systems that enable everyone to realize their rights. Governments and financial institutions should end policies that have been failing millions of people.

SP&PFM Programme

The programme Improving Synergies Between Social Protection and Public Finance Management provided medium-term support to multiple countries aiming to strengthen their social protection systems at a national level and ensure sustainable financing. The programme aimed to support countries in their efforts towards achieving universal social protection coverage.
This initiative was implemented jointly by the ILO, Unicef, and the GCSPF.

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