Social Protection in Argentina in times of SARS-COV-2 |
The SARS-COV-2 pandemic has rapidly transformed our societies. Experts from different
backgrounds are analyzing its consequences on the short and long term and, in terms of social protection, one conclusion is unavoidable: in a deeply unequal world, the crisis is increasing the gaps. As in every major international event, the impact varies between countries according to their preexisting conditions and the policies implemented. In Argentina, the context is quite daunting in both aspects.
The difficult economic and social context aforementioned adds to the crisis imposed by the SARSCOV-2 pandemic. The government’s response focused on limiting the spread of the disease and expanding and introducing additional policies that would strengthen Argentina’s social protection floor. Read more
Responding to COVID-19 with improved social protection for older people |
COVID-19 presents specific dangers for older people, as the risk of serious illness and death from the disease increases with age. Governments should therefore guarantee older people’s continued and safe access to pensions and other forms of social protection in the context of widespread self-isolation, reduced access to income and curtailed access to support services. Accordingly, improvements to the coverage and benefits of pension systems have amongst the most common social protection responses to the crisis, following heath, unemployment and general social assistance.
This publication aims to capture new or increased pensions or cash transfers specifically targeting older people in response to the COVID19 pandemic. It focuses on interventions directly targeting older people and excludes new cash transfers, or adjustments to existing ones, that are being provided to entire populations or target on the basis criteria other than age, although these general cash transfers are also very important for the wellbeing of older people. Read more
UN Monitor COVID-19 Round-Ups |
As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, Global Policy Watch (GPW) has published a series of COVID-19 Round-Ups. These publications monitor developments and decisions undertaken related to addressing the global pandemic at the United Nations and multinational level. Global Policy Watch is a joint initiative of Global Policy Forum and Social Watch. Read more
ECLAC Proposes Moving Towards a Basic Income to Help the Most Vulnerable Population Overcome the Coronavirus’s Effects |

Alicia Bárcena. Photo: ECLAC |
To cope with the socioeconomic effects of the crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) proposes that governments ensure immediate temporary cash transfers to meet basic needs and sustain household consumption, which will be crucial for achieving a solid and relatively quick reactivation. In addition, in the long term, the organization reiterates that these transfers should be made permanent, extending beyond people in situations of poverty and reaching the broad social strata of the population that are very vulnerable to becoming poor, which would enable moving towards a universal basic income to guarantee the basic right to survival, according to a new report unveiled today by the Commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.
The organization presented a new report on the social challenges of the crisis stemming from COVID-19. In a context of low growth, a significant increase in poverty, extreme poverty and inequality is foreseen in Latin America and the Caribbean. Read more
UN75 People’s Forum for the UN We Need |
The event “We the peoples” sent a strong message to the UN and Member States that a stronger multilateral system is needed as a matter of urgency, and that the UN75 High Level Event on 21 September needs to be the catalyst for the transformative changes urgently needed to successfully address 21st century global challenges. Members of the GCSPF participated in the event and contributed suggestions including that of universal basic income and a global fund for social Protection. Read more
Virtual Event: Health versus Wealth? Tax and transparency in the age of Covid-19 |
Drawing upon their deep expertise and influential network, the Coalition will consider how to prioritise reforms and policy innovations on tax and transparency that can secure greater revenue and ensure that less is lost to secrecy and abuse. This an important opportunity to understand the contributions needed for systemic change that can point us “in the direction of equality.”
Speakers including world leading economist Professor Jayati Ghosh, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Logan Wort, executive director of the African Tax Administrators Forum; Alex Cobham, chief executive of the Tax Justice Network; Professor Emmanuel Saez, director of the Center for Equitable Growth at at the University of California Berkeley (invited).
28 May from 13:00 to 15:30 CUT Read more
Building shock-resilient communities with informal social protection |
The Oxfam-initiated report examines the two key ISP mechanisms of mutual assistance groups and remittances
in the context of two protracted crises: Somalia and the Kivu provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
This study tries to understand the significance and relevance of the contributions of informal safety nets to formal crisis response programming and also to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of these informal community strategies. Read more
For further information contact Natalie Schwarz and/or Chiara Jachia
The case for universal social protection is more evident than ever |
By Shahra Razavi
The idea that societies can be secure by relying on individualised market-based provision for those who can afford it, and porous “safety nets” for the poor, has proven to be illusionary. If the COVID-19 pandemic has sent the world one message, it is that we are only as safe as the most vulnerable among us. If people are unable to access quality health care and quarantine themselves, they face serious health risks and may transmit the virus to others, and if one country cannot contain the virus, others are bound to be (re-)infected. And yet, with the exception of those countries with robust and comprehensive social protection systems, many are struggling to safeguard the lives and livelihoods of all those affected. Read more
Welcome to new member |
Human Dignity |
Human Dignity promotes and defends economic, social and cultural rights in Sub-Saharan Africa. It aims to advance ESCR and reduce inequalities through capacity building, advocacy, documentation, research and litigation. Human Dignity is federating the first ever francophone African platform on ESCR.
Human Dignity is an independent, non-profit and non-governmental organisation created in January 2014 and based in Paris. Since 2017, we hold the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Special Consultative Status.
Contact information: Mrs Seynabou Benga, Director
www.hdignity.org / Twitter:@HumanDty / Facebook : @ForHumanDignity