Global People's Assembly |
The Global People's Assembly is a self organised space during the United Nations General Assembly high level week. Our aim is to bring the voices of the people to the forefront, at a time where decision makers engage in high level debate without people's involvement.
This year's Global People's Assembly will take place online from Tuesday 20th September - Thursday 22nd September 2022. Read more
Tavengwa Nhongo (APSP and member of the coalition core group) will participate in the African Assembly on Tuesday 20th September, 2 pm EDT, to speak on the right to universal social protection in Africa and the call for the global fund.
Florian Juergens-Grant (WIEGO) will participate on behalf of the GCSPF at the session Leave No Woman Behind on Wednesday 21st September - 9 to 10 am EDT. |
Contributions to the discussion on Social Protection in South America |
With the aim of strengthening the political incidence of civil society in favor of social protection in South America, a cycle of conferences with the participation of various organizations of civil society (e.g. feminists, trade unions, ecumenical, etc.) and experts in the field. It is necessary an official care policy which contemplate supports and complements care work and defends the recognition of the "right to care", gender equality and human development. Likewise, ways of financing social protection are explored, including the creation of a global fund. These activities are in Spanish.
The videoconference “When the state misses the appointment: the (un)sustainability of life” will take place online on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. GMT-3.
The videoconference “What the pandemic left us: necessary transformations” will take place online on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. GMT-3.
These activities are organized by Ciedur, Red de Género y Comercio, Social Watch and the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors. |
End Austerity Activism Festival |
The End Austerity Activism Festival is a 3-day virtual event that will take place from Wednesday 28th of September through Friday 30th of September 2022.
It will officially launch the End Austerity Campaign, calling on activists and organisations from all around the world to denounce the new wave of austerity spreading across the world, amid the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the food and energy crisis brought about by the Ukraine war.
The Campaign will call for more ambitious recovery packages to focus on a feminist, green and care-led recovery rather than corporate hand-outs and social protection cuts, resisting an economic model that puts profit before people and the planet. Read more
The session End Austerity now! will take place on Wednesday 28 September 2022 / 13 - 15 hs
Organised by FTC and Global Social Justice
The session Can the Leopard change its spots will take place on Wednesday 28 September 2022 / 16:30 - 18 hs
Organised by Act Church of Sweden, Development Pathways and Action Against Hunger France |
"The Resilience of Older Persons in a Changing World: Highlighting the Contributions of Older Women" |
How low- and middle- income countries can implement universal social protection progressively |
There is broad consensus that expansion of social protection is a necessary response to the global food and economic crises. But an immediate reaction of countries when approached with the solution of universal social protection is “we can’t afford that!”. Today, the teams at ACT Church of Sweden, Development Pathways and Action Against Hunger show how, in actual fact, universality can be affordable.
Daisy Sibun will be launching a new paper, ‘Can a leopard change its spots? A critical analysis of the World Bank’s ‘progressive universalism’ approach to social protection’. The paper scrutinises the justification through which the World Bank continues to promote poverty targeted programmes, despite its more recent high-level support for the idea of universal social protection, and contrasts it with the human rights-based approach to social protection as promoted by the ILO.
Friday, October 7, 2022 - 2 PM - 3 PM CEST, Confirm local time here Read more |
Programme Improving Synergies Between Social Protection and Public Finance Management: Welcome to the newsletter! |
This new series will communicate the ongoing activities and results of the Programme Improving Synergies Between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (SP&PFM). SP&PFM is a joint collaboration between the EU, ILO, UNICEF and the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors. It provides medium and shorter-term support to 24 countries aiming to strengthen their social protection systems and ensure their sustainable financing. Read more |
Social Protection Podcast: The trade-offs of targeting |
Targeting is one of the most widely debated topics in social protection. Who should receive support from social protection systems? How do we identify the ‘right’ people, and reach them?
In this episode we talk about some of the key trade-offs most frequently invoked when making decisions about targeting social protection and ask our guests about the latest thinking on how to reconcile these challenges and dilemmas.
Guests for this episode are: Rachel Sabates-Wheeler (Research Fellow, IDS) and Matthew Wai-Poi (Senior Economist, World Bank) Listen here |