GCSPF e-Newsletter #107 | September 2024 Edition

e-GCSPF #107 - September 2024

Mauritius Extends Universal Child Benefits

The CSO statement commend the Government of Mauritius for its decision to extend the country’s universal child benefit, known as the Contribution Sociale Généralisée (CSG) Child Allowance till June 2025. The extension of this scheme highlights Mauritius’ efforts to strengthen its universal social security system. Read more

Invitation: ACSC/APF2024 Hybrid Workshops

"'SEA Working People’ struggles to access decent work and universal social protection"

The workshop aims at: i) Raising Awareness: Increasing understanding of the challenges and deficiencies in social protection for working people in ASEAN; ii) Sharing Best Practices: Highlight innovative models and approaches in expanding social protection; iii) Encourage Discussion: Facilitate dialogue between experts, practitioners and worker representatives to explore applicable solutions; and iv) Produce Recommendations: Formulate recommendations that can be implemented to improve the social protection system in this region. It's organized by AMRC, AROSP, ASEC, HNSEA, HNT, KPRI, MC, MFA and SPELL. Read more
20 September 2024 from 13:30 PM to 15:00 PM Dili time via face to face at Escola Secundaria Técnica Vocacional-Grupo de Tecnologia e Indústria (ESTV-GTI) Becora, Dili, Timor Leste. Registration for online participation: bit.ly/WS-CS1-ACSC2024

Maternity Protection for Informal Workers in SEA

The workshop aims at: i) Increasing understanding of the challenges and deficiencies in maternity protection for female people in ASEAN; ii) Highlighting innovative models and approaches in expanding maternity protection; iii) Facilitating discussions between experts, practitioners and worker representatives to explore applicable solutions; and iv) Formulating recommendations that can be implemented to improve the maternity protection system in this region. It's organized by AMRC, AROSP, ASEC, HNSEA, HNT and KPRI. Read more
20 September 2024 from 15:30 PM to 17:00 PM Dili time via face to face  at Escola Secundaria Técnica Vocacional-Grupo de Tecnologia e Indústria (ESTV-GTI) Becora, Dili, Timor Leste and through Zoom. 
For online participants, pls register at https://shorturl.at/FXkGz

Webinar: Re-launch of the ISPA-tool website on socialprotection.org

ISPA tools provide a systematic framework for analysing national social protection systems as a whole or certain schemes or deliver mechanisms thereof in a participatory manner. ISPA tools consist of (i) a guidance note that explains the conceptual framework and key terminology for each subject matter, (ii) a data collection template, (iii) a matrix with suitable criteria to analyze performance and (iv) an annotated country report outline for ISPA applications. Generic implementation guidelines for how to conduct an ISPA application are also available.
Webinar: 17 September, 2024 - 14:00 GMT+2. Register here

Podcast: Does Social Protection Encourage Informality?

This podcast is on the topic of social protection and informal economies, featuring Florian Juergens-Grant of WIEGO. Listen to this podcast

Dialogues on universal social security

In this blog, Gunnel Axelsson Nycander (Act Church of Sweden) reflects on the ongoing debate between universal and poverty-targeted social security systems. She highlights recent efforts to promote universal benefits, particularly through discussions with global institutions and policymakers, and emphasises the viability of such systems even in low- and middle-income countries. Read more

Concessional loans for Africa's climate crisis: Whose fiscal effort?

This report by Development Initiatives analyses debt resulting from public concessional loans for climate action received by African countries. It explores loans for adaptation, mitigation or both. It highlights that a significant volume and proportion of public concessional finance directed at addressing climate challenges in Africa is being provided in the form of loans. Although these will be repaid at lower-than-market rates and/or have longer maturity and grace periods, they will ultimately need to be repaid. Read more

UNRISD Consultation Paving the Road to the Second World Social Summit

UNRISD has a key role in the preparation of the Second World Social Summit (WSSD) and now invites us to contribute to this global consultation to collect our perspectives and suggestions as key inputs for shaping the outcomes of the WSSD and future implementation of its programme of action. The consultation is open until the 15th of October 2024. Read more

World Social Protection Report 2024-26

New ILO report highlights key role of social protection in climate change mitigation and adaptation and ensuring a just transition.
The Report also offers new figures on the number of people globally who benefit from some form of social protection. It highlights some of the key gaps in social protection coverage, notably in countries that are among those worst affected by climate change. Read more

Welcome to our new member

Arab Reform Initiative - ARI

ARI is a collaborative think tank established in 2004 to articulate a home-grown agenda for democratic change in the whole Arab region.
Please visit their Social Protection Program's webpage to know about their work on social protection, and indexes the program's publications, events/activities, and campaigns. It also includes links to their Arab Region Hub for Social Protection and their joint CSO Declaration on Building Universal Social Protection in the Arab Region (signed by more than 120 organizations and individuals).
Contact information SP Program Director: Ms. Farah Al Shami (f.alshami@arab-reform.net)
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Civil Society Call for a Global Fund for Social Protection

Civil society organizations and trade unions unite to call for a Global Fund for Social Protection to protect the most vulnerable.

Social Security for All

Civil society organizations and trade unions call governments and international financial institutions to make a commitment to create social security systems that enable everyone to realize their rights. Governments and financial institutions should end policies that have been failing millions of people.

SP&PFM Programme

The programme Improving Synergies Between Social Protection and Public Finance Management provided medium-term support to multiple countries aiming to strengthen their social protection systems at a national level and ensure sustainable financing. The programme aimed to support countries in their efforts towards achieving universal social protection coverage.
This initiative was implemented jointly by the ILO, Unicef, and the GCSPF.

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