
Our Resolution (2014)

A social protection floor for everyone: a universal rights-based development goal

Well into the 21st century, the world remains an unfair, unequal, insecure and unhealthy place for the majority of people. At global level, four out of five persons do not have access to comprehensive social protection. About 80 per cent of the global population live in social insecurity and face a complete loss of income security when a personal or national economic crisis strikes. We, the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors promote social protection floors as key instruments to achieve the overarching social goal of the global development agenda. Social protection is one of the foundations for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development.

The Global Coalition holds that the two-dimensional strategy of the Recommendation, extending basic social security guarantees to all and ensuring improved quality of protection be adopted as a guide in developing an overarching social protection goal for social development in the framework of the post-2015 development agenda.

To track progress in accordance with this strategy, the targets, target levels and indicators to monitor realization of the two objectives are outlined in the table.

The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors promotes the right of all people residing in a country to social security, regardless of documentation.  Accordingly, there is no reference in this framework to the citizenship status of any person residing within the borders of a country or recognized territory.

Civil Society Call for a Global Fund for Social Protection

Civil society organizations and trade unions unite to call for a Global Fund for Social Protection to protect the most vulnerable.

Social Security for All

Civil society organizations and trade unions call governments and international financial institutions to make a commitment to create social security systems that enable everyone to realize their rights. Governments and financial institutions should end policies that have been failing millions of people.

SP&PFM Programme

The programme Improving Synergies Between Social Protection and Public Finance Management provided medium-term support to multiple countries aiming to strengthen their social protection systems at a national level and ensure sustainable financing. The programme aimed to support countries in their efforts towards achieving universal social protection coverage.
This initiative was implemented jointly by the ILO, Unicef, and the GCSPF.

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