The GCSPF presented a statement to support the Study “Inequality, social protection and the right to development" (A/HRC/54/83) published by the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development that was released at the 54th regular session of the Human Rights Council.
I am speaking on behalf of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors, which counts over 120 Civil Society and Trade Union organizations world-wide.
We are delighted that this report on inequality, social protection and the right to development recommends the establishment of a global fund for social protection.
We are indeed convinced that
We call upon all governments to address deepening inequalities within and among States by establishing universal social protection systems as a fundamental human right understood through the principle of equality of opportunity for development -. on a personal as well as a national level.
We urge the international community, in particular all members of the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection (USP2030), to support such efforts.
Item 3 Interactive dialogue with the expert mechanism on the right to development
Human Rights Council, 20 September 2023