The following organisations and individuals are members of the GCSPF:
Name of the Organization | Country | Contact person | |
1. | Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC) | Argentina | Manuel Mera, Juan Camisassa |
2. | JusticeMakers Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Shahanur Islam |
3. | 11.11.11 | Belgium | Griet Ysewyn |
4. | CNCD-11.11.11 | Belgium | Véronique Rigot, Nicolas Van Nuffel |
5. | European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) | Belgium (Brussels) | Sian Jones |
6. | Global Social Justice (Belgium) | Belgium | Francine Mestrum |
7. | Solidar | Belgium | Barbara Caracciolo |
8. | WSM | Belgium | Bart Verstraeten, Gijs Justaert, Koen Detavernier |
9. | Cambodian Women Movement Organisation (CWMO) | Cambodia | |
10. | Community Legal Education Center (CLEC) | Cambodia | Huon Chundy |
11. | World Federalist Movement | Canada | Myron J. Frankman |
12. | Corporación Solidaridad y Desarrollo - SODEM | Chile | María Teresa Carvajal Villegas |
13. | Action Contre les Violations des Droits des Personnes Vulnérables - ACVDP | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Crispin Kobolongo Kongunde |
14. | Action pour les Femmes et Enfants Marginalises (AFEMA-RDC) | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Christian Uzima |
15. | Lutte Nationale contre la Pauvreté (LUNACOP) | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Aristide Wilondja L. Mwili |
16. | Centre for Social Sciences Research & Action (CeSSRA) | Cyprus | Léa Yammine, Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi |
17. | RAISE - Research & Action for Income Security | Denmark | Rasmus Schjødt |
18. | African Disability Forum (ADF) | Ethiopia | Berhanu Tefera |
19. | Action Contre La Faim France | ACF-France | France | Léa Cros |
20. | Association Points Cœur | France | Elodie Tranchez |
21. | Human Dignity | France | Seynabou Benga |
22. | International Movement ATD Fourth World | France (Geneva) | Wouter van Ginneken |
23. | Make Mothers Matter (MMM) | France | Valerie Bichelmeier |
24. | Public Services International (PSI) | France (Geneva) | Baba Aye |
25. | Gambia Future Hands On Disable People | Gambia | Musa M. Jagne |
26. | Social Protection Platform - The Gambia (SPPG) | Gambia | Dawda Samba |
27. | Brot für die Welt | Germany | Nicola Wiebe |
28. | International Kolping Society (IKS) | Germany | John Reitter |
29. | Social Justice in Global Development | Germany | Gemma Adaba, Barry Herman |
30. | AbibiNsroma Foundation (ANF) | Ghana | Robert Tettey Kwami Amiteye |
31. | Community and Familiy Aid Foundation - Ghana | Ghana | Joseph Kwashie |
32. | Community Focus Foundation Ghana (CFF-Ghana) | Ghana | Richard Kasu |
33. | Social Support Foundation | Ghana | Louis Acheampong |
34. | BIRSA Mines Monitoring Centre | India | |
35. | Programme on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (PWESCR) | India | Priti Darooka |
36. | Psychological Research & Development Council-India (PRDC India) | India | Mohan Lal K |
37. | Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) | India | Catherine Bernard |
38. | Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center (SMRC) | India | Prof Asha Hans |
39. | Youth For Action | India | E. Venkat Ramnayya |
40. | Trade Union Right Centre (TURC) | Indonesia | Surya Tjandra |
41. | Concern Worldwide | Ireland | Gabrielle Smith |
42. | COL'OR – Camminiamo Oltre L'ORizzonte | Italy | Lisa Grandi |
43. | International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) | Italy | Annamaria Campanini |
44. | Amman-Jordan, Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) | Jordan | Mar Logrono |
45. | Phenix Center for Economic & Informatics Studies | Jordan | Ahmad Awad |
46. | Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP) | Kenya | Sylvia Beales Gelber |
47. | Development Transformations (DevTransform) | Kenya | Martha Bekele |
48. | Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC) | Korea | Van Thi Thu Ha |
49. | Amel Association International | Lebanon | Dr Kamel Muhanna |
50. | Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) | Lebanon | Farah Al Shami |
51. | Friends of the Disabled Association (FDA) | Lebanon | Moussa Charafeddine |
52. | Modern University for Business and Science (MUBS) | Lebanon | Houda Sleem |
53. | National Union on Intellectual Disability (NUID) | Lebanon | Moussa Charafeddine |
54. | LWF Waking the Giant Initiative | Liberia | St John York |
55. | National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) | Malaysia | Bro J. Solomon |
56. | Proyecto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales (ProDESC) | Mexico | Lautaro Costantini |
57. | Labour Resource and Research Institute (LARRI) | Namibia | Michael Akuupa |
58. | Ageing Nepal | Nepal | Krishna M. Gautam |
59. | National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal (NACASUD-Nepal) | Nepal | Daya Sagar Shrestha |
60. | Social Protection Civil Society Network (SPCSN) | Nepal | Tilottam Paudel |
61. | South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) | Nepal | Dr. Netra Prasad Timsina, Praman Adhikari |
62. | The Grail | Netherlands | Mary Kay Louchart |
63. | Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) | Nigeria | David Ugolor, Leo Atakpu |
64. | Building Blocks for Peace Foundation (BBFP) | Nigeria | Rafiu Lawal, Oluwaranti Adesola |
65. | Olive Community Development Initiative (OCDI) | Nigeria | Oluwatoni Adeleke |
66. | Women in Development and Environment (WorldWIDE Network Nigeria) | Nigeria | Dr. Ify Ofong |
67. | Labour Education Foundation (LEF) | Pakistan | Khalid Mahmood |
68. | Pakistan Evaluation Association (PEA) | Pakistan | Sarah Davies |
69. | Democracy and Workers Rights Centre (DWRC) | Palestine | Maryam Al Tibi |
70. | Programa Laboral de Desarrollo (PLADES) | Peru | Giovanna Larco Drouilly |
71. | Labour Education and Research Network (LEARN) | Philippines | Jennifer AC Albano |
72. | General Confederation of Trade Unions (GCTU) | Russia | Valery Kravtsov |
73. | Youth Mentoring Agents for Development Organisation (YOMADO) | Rwanda | Emmanuel Nshimiyimana |
74. | Action Humaine pour le Développement lntégré au Sénégal (AHDIS) | Senegal | Amacodou Diouf |
75. | ActionAid International | South Africa | David Archer |
76. | amandla.mobi | South Africa | Tlou Seopa |
77. | Dullah Omar Institute (DOI), University of the Western Cape | South Africa | Gladys Mirugi-Mukundi |
78. | Institute for Economic Justice (IEJ) | South Africa | Neil Coleman, Kelle Howson |
79. | Labour Research Service (LRS) | South Africa | Trenton Elsley |
80. | Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII) | South Africa | Isoble Fryre |
81. | Free Trade Union Development Center (FTUDC) | Sri Lanka | GVD. Tilakasiri |
82. | Lanka Net | Sri Lanka | Malini Perera |
83. | Samadeepa Development Center | Sri Lanka | Chandrearathne Bandara |
84. | Act Church of Sweden | Sweden | Gunnel Axelsson Nycander |
85. | Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation | Sweden | Monica Erwér |
86. | Olof Palme International Center | Sweden | Tamara Vocar |
87. | Franciscans International | Switzerland | Budi Tjahjono |
88. | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) | Switzerland (Geneva) | Renate Tenbusch |
89. | Global Social Justice (Switzerland) | Switzerland | Odile Frank, Isabel Ortíz |
90. | International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) | Switzerland | Klaus Kühne |
91. | Norwegian Church Aid Tanzania Office | Tanzania | Sarah Shija |
92. | Veille Citoyenne Togo | Togo | Pidenam Sama |
93. | Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGTT) | Tunisia | Abdelkarim Jrad |
94. | Development Research and Training (DRT) | Uganda | Rebecca Ssanyu |
95. | Uganda Reach the Aged Association (URAA) | Uganda | Robert Mukholi |
96. | Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) | United Kingdom | Alison Garnham |
97. | Bretton Woods Project (BWP) | United Kingdom | Luiz Vieira |
98. | Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd | United States | Winifred Doherty |
99. | Congregation of The Mission | United States | James Claffey |
100. | Daughters of Charity | United States | Margret O'Dwyer |
101. | Dominican Leadership Conference | United States | Dusty Faran |
102. | Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Loreto Generalate | United States | Cynthia Annamma Mathew |
103. | International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) | United States | Susan Somers |
104. | International Presentation Association (IPA) | United States | Despoina Afroditi Milaki |
105. | Loretto Community | United States | Beth Blissman |
106. | Marianists International | United States | Brian Reavey |
107. | Passionists International | United States | John K. Muthengi |
108. | People’s Courage International (PCI) | United States | Ashif Shaikh |
109. | Salesian Missions Inc | United States | Thomas Pallithanam |
110. | Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur | United States | Grace Ezeonu |
111. | Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries | United States - Global | Mary Jane Caspillo |
112. | Trickle Up | United States | Jo Sanson |
113. | UNANIMA International | United States | Jean Quinn |
114. | VIVAT International | United States | María Lourdes Santos, Paul Rahmat |
115. | Gray Panthers | United States | Jack Kupferman |
116. | Platform for Social Protection | Zambia | Phyllis Chibuye-Chikula |
117. | Workers Education Association Zambia (WEAZ) | Zambia | Mr. Lameck Kashiwa |
118. | Labour and Economic Development Research Institute (LEDRIZ) | Zimbabwe | Dr Godfrey Kanyenze |
119. | Asia-Europe People’s Forum | Regional | Tina Ebro, Veronica Uy |
120. | Asian Roundtable on Social Protection (AROSP) | Regional (Asia) | Van Thi Thu Ha |
121. | Network for Transformative Social Protection (NTSP) | Regional (Asia) | Maris dela Cruz |
122. | Amnesty International | Global | Malavika Vartak |
123. | Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) | Global | Meghna Abraham |
124. | Christian Blind Mission (CBM) | Global | Anne Schrader |
125. | Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) | Global | Ingo Ritz, Pradeep Baisakh |
126. | HelpAge International | Global | Jessica Petitprez, Chandranshu |
127. | Human Rights Watch (HRW) | Global | Lena Simet |
128. | Institute of Global Homelessness (IGH) | Global | Lydia Stazen |
129. | Instituto del Tercer Mundo (ITeM) - Social Watch | Global | Roberto Bissio |
130. | International Alliance of Women (IAW) | Global | Hélène Sackstein, Lyda Verstegen |
131. | International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) | Global | Antonio López Peláez, Yunji Kwon |
132. | International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) | Belgium (Brussels) | Beatrice di Padua |
133. | Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) | Global | Camila Maia, Valentina Contreras |
134. | Save the Children International | Global | David Tumwesigye |
135. | Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) | Global | Florian Juergens-Grant |
136. | OXFAM | Global (Kenya) | Mariana Anton |
Individual Members | Country | |
1. | Tara Patricia Cookson | Canada |
2. | Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona | Chile |
3. | Cäcilie Schildberg | Germany |
4. | Markus Kaltenborn | Germany |
5. | Odile Frank | Switzerland |
6. | Daniel Horn | United Kingdom |