
Women, Social Security and Protection in India: 27 January 2016, New Delhi
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Roundtable - Social Protection for All: Putting SDGs Commitments into Practice

Thursday 22 October 2015 | 09:30 – 13:00 Venue: European Parliament, Brussels Lunch will be provided Languages: English and French Organized by the Cercle de Coopération des ONG de Développement, Brot für die Welt, OGB-L Solidarité Syndicale, Solidarité Socialiste, FOS, CNCD 11.11.11 and SOLIDAR, the roundtable discussion “Social Protection for All: Putting SDGs Commitments into […]

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Side-Event at the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on Social protection Floors

The International Disability Alliance and the Global Coalition for Social Social Protection Floors organized a side-event at the official meeting of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 3 September 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. The session aimed at informing the Committee members on current processes and developments in the field of SPF. It further delineated […]

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Launch of the World Bank Group and ILO Universal Social Protection Initiative, calling for universal social protection policies and financing

On June 30th, the World Bank Group and the ILO launched a joint mission and plan of action:  Universal social protection to ensure that no one is left behind. Universal coverage and access to social protection are central to ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity, the World Bank Group's twin goals by 2030. Universal social […]

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SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR ALL: the Belgian Campaign!

In the next 2 years, a broad coalition of NGOs, Trade Union, Mutual Health Organizations, will lead an advocacy and awareness raising campaign to make universal and comprehensive social protection a policy priority for national governments and the international community. Read more about the campaign here.

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